About Us

The B’nai Horin Story

Bnai Horin 40 Years

This Jewish community is for those of us who want to live more spiritually enriching lives, who want to make time more precious, our families, friends and loved ones more precious.


It is for those of us who want to make our own lives more precious, to make the lives of all people more precious, to make the life of our planet more precious.

It is for those of us who want to make “G-d” more precious. G-d, you who are present everywhere in our world – most of all, deep within each of us.

– Rabbi Stan Levy


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Our Practices

Ribono Shel Olam,
Master of the Universe,
Grant me the ability to be alone.
May it be my practice
to go out of doors each day,
Among the trees and the grasses
Among all growing things,
And there may I be
And enter into prayer
To talk with You
With whom I belong.

– Reb Nahman of Bratzlav

Our Name

B’nai Horin means Children of Freedom.
The name is taken from
the Passover Haggadah.
“Avadim Hayinu, Atah Bnai Horin
We were slaves,
Now we are Children of Freedom.

Our Guiding Principles

We can best serve G-d with whatever we are doing at the moment.

Every place where we stand is a place we can make holy. Every word that we speak with sincerity is the name of G-d. Every day can be a day of At-one-ment.

You and I, created in G-d’s image, can be Holy, because G-d is Holy. G-d asks us, for His/Her sake to affirm ourselves and the world, and by this means to transform both.

The person within you, and the person next to you – both are waiting for love and kindness.

– Hassidic Teachings

Our Purpose

From the moment of our existence, each of us has been asked to create a human community. Each of us stands within our vast universe as a symbol of Freedom.

Every encounter between you and I contains the possibility of creating goodness in the world. Together, You and I, we can create the reality of Freedom and Peace.

The eternal Mitzvah endures – ever new, ever real, ever true, ever present. The Mitzvah brings people together toward the realization of peace, the peace of the human community.

– Written by Rabbi Leo Baeck (while imprisoned in a Nazi Concentration Camp)