Suggested Contributions and Payment Plans

Contributions for Membership

Our Membership year is High Holy Days to High Holy Days.  We hope you will renew your membership.  We count on you!  For more information, read our Membership Page.  Membership is $180 for individuals and $360 for families.


Contributions for All High Holy Days Services

B’nai Horin Members:  IN PERSON Participants $350

NonMembers:   IN PERSON Participants $450

Contributions for Individual High Holy Day Services

If you don’t buy “All Services” you can purchase individual services.

For pricing purposes, we divide the Holy Days into the following “services”

Rosh Hashana Eve, Rosh Hashana Day,

Yom Kippur Eve, and Yom Kippur Day.

B’nai Horin Members:  IN PERSON Participants $150

Non Members:   IN PERSON Participants $200


Payment Plans

We want to make the High Holy Days and Membership affordable for everyone.  And these fees pay for the costs of producing the events and operating our community year round.

This year we ask you to consider giving a contribution.  The contribution can be paid over the payment plans listed below.  We appreciate what each person can do!

1.  Pay in full now!  (For those who can – and we really appreciate it!)

2.  4 Payments by credit card, one a month for July thru October (Same as last year)

Just email Peggi, saying what you want and which payment plan you choose.  Then we’ll email you back with the monthly cost!

Payment Plan 2 REQUIRES payment by Credit Card.  



We give scholarships to those who cannot afford the cost of High Holy Days. Last year we gave over $5,000 in scholarships.



Our major method of communication is eMail! Our web site has all the latest information on our events. And, we send everyone an email update bi-weekly. Join us by giving us your email address. Email Peggi if you want to be added. We’ll add you to the regular email list.

Photos courtesy of Leslie Goldman, Joy Krauthammer & Lynda Levy.