
o add your loved ones’ names to the B’nai Horin yahrzeit calendar, please e-mail their names, relationships to you, and their yahrzeit dates to info@bnaihorin.com     Include the Jewish date if known, or as much information as possible — incomplete is OK. Also note how we may contact you for any clarifications. (We can compute the exact Jewish date if you send the secular date, including the year and approximate time of day — the Jewish date changes at sundown)

If you see any error or incomplete information, email us and we will make corrections.

B’nai Horin will appreciate any donations that you choose to make in loving memory of your family members.


January 2025
(January) Albert Schiro, uncle of Caren and Jack Schiro
(January) June W. Fox, grandfather of Caren and Jack Schiro
Tevet 7 (January 07, 2025) Abraham Goldstein, father of Janet Niederman
Tevet 7 (January 07, 2025) Sol Spezman, father of Sharon Croskery
Tevet 10 (January 10, 2025) Jozef Rosenverg Rozgonyi, step-father of Eva Nathanson
Tevet 10 (January 10, 2025) Richard Cottrell, father of Patty Marks
Tevet 15 (January 15, 2025) Milton Feinberg, father of Lawrence Feinberg
Tevet 16 (January 16, 2025) Dori Sarche Anderson, cousin of Rabbi Laura Owens
Tevet 17 (January 17, 2025) Marcel Krauthammer, MD (Menachem Elimelech ben Shulim), husband of Joy Krauthammer
Tevet 20 (January 20, 2025) Allan Faye, of Thalia Faye
Tevet 23 (January 23, 2025) Anselm Rothschild, best friend of Peggi Sturm and godfather to Josh Sturm
(Shevat) Esther Garin, mother of Thalia Faye

February 2025
(February) Harold Saul Schiro, beloved father of Caren and Jack Schiro
(February) Antoinette Gilliam, grandmother of Caren and Jack Shiro
(February) Barry Seeman, brother-in-law of Robert Sniderman
Shevat 4 (February 02, 2025) Debbie Friedman
Shevat 5 (February 03, 2025) Marshall Levin, father of Evanne Levin Gerisch
Shevat 6 (February 04, 2025) Eve Prager, grandmother of Mona Prager
Shevat 9 (February 07, 2025) Hiram Sturm, uncle of Peggi Sturm & Susie Seiver
Shevat 16 (February 14, 2025) Marjorie Feinberg, Mother of Lawrence Feinberg
Shevat 23 (February 21, 2025) Jim Mallinger, father of Lev Mallinger
Shevat 24 (February 22, 2025) Pearl Brandt Malis, mother of Dolly Sloan, grandmother of Lisa Sloan Strom, great grandfather of Everett Sloan Strom
Shevat 27 (February 25, 2025) Nettie Frankel, grandmother of Gayle Gale & mother of Phyllis Salmon

March 2025
(March) Sidney Schiro, uncle of Caren and Jack Schiro
(March) Marvin Seeger, uncle and brother of Gary and Sylvia Grossman
Adar 5 (March 05, 2025) Leiba bat Abram v’Etel, mother of Joy Krauthammer
Adar 7 (March 07, 2025) Kurt Gorwitz, father of Mark Gorwitz
Adar 7 (March 07, 2025) Moses, our teacher
Adar 7 (March 07, 2025) Theresa Wenig Hecht (Tamar bat Menchaim Mendel V’Malkah), mother of Naomi Hecht
Adar 8 (March 08, 2025) Bobbie Japka, beloved B’nai Horin member and friend
Adar 8 (March 08, 2025) Sarah Tolchin, grandmother of Evanne Levin Gerisch
Adar 8 (March 08, 2025) Sophie Sarche, grandmother of Rabbi Laura Owens
Adar 9 (March 09, 2025) Esther Rubin (Esther bas Chaim v’ Chaya), mother of Linda Rubin
Adar 12 (March 12, 2025) Zahava Cwern, mother of Mark Cwern
Adar 13 (March 13, 2025) Stanley Owens, father of Rabbi Laura Owens
Adar 15 (March 15, 2025) Yosef Garin, father of Thalia Faye
Adar 16 (March 16, 2025) Esta H. Bachrach, mother, grandmother, wife of Marc, Laura, Todd, & Jay Bachrach
Adar 17 (March 17, 2025) Thelma Belle Lewis, mother of Cathy Kaye
Adar 17 (March 17, 2025) Melvin Sturm, uncle of Peggi Sturm & Susie Seiver
Adar 20 (March 20, 2025) Grandma Ethel Mossman, grandma of Joy Krauthammer
Adar 22 (March 22, 2025) Phyllis Frankel Salmon bat Manny v’Nettie, mother of Gayle Gale
Adar 22 (March 22, 2025) Lorna Doone Hurdus Schindler Cook, mother of Sammi Schindler
Adar 25 (March 25, 2025) Julius Levy, father of Rabbi Stan Levy
Adar II 27 (March 27, 2025) Hannah Ohnstein, grandmother of Rabbi Laura Owens
Adar 29 (March 29, 2025) Isador Spezman, grandfather of Sharon Croskery

April 2025
(April) Jack Magit, father of Benita Magit
(April) Sarah Schiro, wonderful grandmother of Caren and Jack Schiro
Nisan 6 (April 04, 2025) Martin Luther King Jr., who struggled for freedom and justice
Nisan 7 (April 05, 2025) Larry Gold, husband of Cindy Gold
Nisan 10 (April 08, 2025) Miriam the Prophetess
Nisan 18 (April 16, 2025) Belle Levy, mother of Rabbi Stan Levy
Nisan 23 (April 21, 2025) Ruthie Schwartzberg, aunt of Ev Levin
Nisan 26 (April 24, 2025) Josef Natan ben Chanan Hayyim v’Faygel, father of Joy Krauthammer
Nisan 27 (April 25, 2025) All those who perished, whose light we remember on Yom HaShoah
Nisan 30 (April 28, 2025) P. Robert Malis, father of Dolly Sloan, grandfather of Lisa Sloan Strom, great grandfather of Everett Sloan Strom

May 2025
(May) June Fox Schiro, a very special mother to Caren Schiro and Jack Schiro
(May) Ralph J. Geffen, husband of Judith Geffen
Iyyar 16 (May 14, 2025) Jewelle Sturm, “daughter”/niece of Peggi Sturm
Iyyar 18 (May 16, 2025) Dorothy Prince, mother-in-law of Allene Prince
Iyyar 18 (May 16, 2025) Howard Zimmerman, brother of Karen Feinberg
Iyyar 19 (May 17, 2025) Harry Silver, grandfather of Sharon Croskery
Iyyar 19 (May 17, 2025) Stan Silverberg , brother of Marilyn Silverberg Zadok, father of Dan Silverberg & Ilana Mcallister, grandfather of Lindsay McAllister
Iyyar 23 (May 21, 2025) Louise Schwab, mother of Bonnie Schwab
Sivan 4 (May 31, 2025) Chaim (Howard Arthur) Faye, son of Thalia Faye
(June) Barbara Greenberg Hill
(June) Barnet Orenstein (Baruch Ha Cohen), father of Stuart Orenstein

June 2025
Sivan 7 (June 03, 2025) The Baal Shem Tov
Sivan 10 (June 06, 2025) Israel Banderwitz (AKA Jack Bender Sr.), father-in-law of Rabbi Laura Owens
Sivan 17 (June 13, 2025) Judy Steger, sister-in-law of Lawrence Feinberg
Sivan 21 (June 17, 2025) Cliff Prager, father of Mona Prager
Sivan 26 (June 22, 2025) Leslie Goldman
Sivan 27 (June 23, 2025) Ruth Spezman, mother of Sharon Croskery
Tammuz 3 (June 29, 2025) Louis Henry Sturm, brother of Peggi Sturm & Susie Seiver
Tammuz 4 (June 30, 2025) Judi Baumbach, father of Elliot Baumbach, father-in-law of Tiffany Baumbach

July 2025
(July) Bluma Horwitz, mother of Judith Geffen
(July) Antoinette Gilliam, greatgrandmother of Caren and Jack Schiro
(July) Rose Korn Brandt, grandmother of Dolly Sloan, great grandmother of Lisa Sloan Strom
Tammuz 5 (July 01, 2025) Shirley Prager, mother of Mona Prager
5 Tamuz (July 01, 2025) Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalom
Tammuz 10 (July 06, 2025) Betty Small, aunt of Karen & Lawrence Feinberg
Tammuz 12 (July 08, 2025) Frank Crown, fiancé of Mona Prager
Tammuz 13 (July 09, 2025) Sheldon Rochlin, brother of Bernice Brown
Tammuz 14 (July 10, 2025) Esther Josephson Geller (Esther Bas Bertha and Haim), mother of Dov Geller
Tammuz 14 (July 10, 2025) Susan Margolis, sister of David Steiner
Tammuz 19 (July 15, 2025) Howard Sturm, father of Peggi Sturm & Susie Seiver
Tammuz 20 (July 16, 2025) The anonymous accident victim whose kidney was donated to Karen Feinberg
Tammuz 22 (July 18, 2025) Jackie Yerman, mother of Debbie Yerman
Tammuz 22 (July 18, 2025) Lilyan Josefs, mother of Jai Josefs
Tammuz 23 (July 19, 2025) Joel Rothblatt, friend of Lawrence Feinberg
Tammuz 25 (July 21, 2025) Adeline Zimmerman, mother of Karen Feinberg
Av 4 (July 29, 2025) Evan Sturm, uncle of Peggi Sturm & Susie Seiver
Av 5 (July 30, 2025) Anna Spezman, grandmother of Sharon Croskery
Av 5 (July 30, 2025) Father Francis X. Cottrell, uncle of Patty Marks

August 2025
(August) Hilda Orenstein (Hynda bas Rochel), mother of Stuart Orenstein
Av 7 (August 01, 2025) Robert Lifson, friend of Rabbi Laura Owens
Av 9 (August 03, 2025) All those who perished in the tragedies on Tisha B’Av
Av 13 (August 07, 2025) Lena Goodman, grandmother of Mona Prager
Av 18 (August 12, 2025) Aaron Sloan, father of Lisa Sloan Strom, grandfather of Everett Sloan Strom and ex-husband of Dolores “Dolly” Sloan
Av 24 (August 18, 2025) Rella Porges, mother of Bobbie Japka
Av 25 (August 19, 2025) June Schwartz, mother of dear friend Dana Lange of Bo Lebo
Elul 6 (August 30, 2025) Bette Nelson, great aunt of Linda Rubin
Elul 7 (August 31, 2025) Ben Zimmerman, uncle of Karen Feinberg
Elul 7 (August 31, 2025) Harmon Nettler, father of Charlene Bralver
Elul 7 (August 31, 2025) Rebbe David Wolfe-Blank

September 2025
(September) Maria Antoinette Fox, aunt to Caren and Jack Schiro
(September) Eduard F. Gilliam, great uncle of Caren and Jack Schiro
Elul 9 (September 02, 2025) Sidney Rubin (Shlomo ben Aaron v’ Sarah), father of Linda Rubin
Elul 17 (September 10, 2025) Tzija bat Menucha, beloved aunt of Shulamit Sofia
Elul 20 (September 13, 2025) Rose Wayne, aunt of Salkana (Sammi) Schindler
Elul 23 (September 16, 2025) All those who died in the tragedies of Sept. 11, 2001
Elul 23 (September 16, 2025) Ralph Schwartz, father of Bonnie Schwartz
Elul 25 (September 18, 2025) Sylvia Greenberg, mother of Steve Greenberg
Elul 29 (September 22, 2025) Gerald Grossman, father and husband of Gary and Sylvia Grossman
Elul 29 (September 22, 2025) Michael Crapser, friend of Robert Sniderman
Tishri 1 (September 23, 2025) Rose Furstenburg, close friend and “adopted grandmother” of Karen & Lawrence Feinberg
Tishri 5 (September 27, 2025) Ralph Schwartz, father of Bonnie Schwartz

October 2025
(October) Magdolna Rozgonyi, mother of Eva Nathanson
(October) Mozes Ádam, father of Eva Nathanson
(October) Ruben Horwitz, father of Judith Geffen
Tishri 13 (October 05, 2025) Dennis Saunders, father of Amira Saunders
Tishri 19 (October 11, 2025) Ceceilia Lillian Silverman (Chedyltzippa) Berry , mother of Arlene Berry
Tishri 22 (October 14, 2025) June Howells Spalding, mother of Wilda Spaulding
Tishri 24 (October 16, 2025) Bill Feinberg, brother of Karen & Lawrence Feinberg
Tishri 26 (October 18, 2025) Syd Salmon, uncle of Gayle Gale & brother of Norma Salmon
Tishri 27 (October 19, 2025) David Schindler, grandfather of Sammi Schindler
Tishrei 29 (October 21, 2025) Bee Owens, mother of Rabbi Laura Owens
Tishri 30 (October 22, 2025) Ermine Mallinger, mother of Lev Mallinger
Heshvan 4 (October 26, 2025) Sara Grossman Sturm, mother of Peggi Sturm & Susie Seiver

November 2025
(Nov/Dec) Carolyn Felman, stepmother of Sandy Bachman
(Nov/Dec) Frene Felman, mother of Sandy Bachman
Heshvan 11 (November 02, 2025) Linda Rubin, B’nai Horin member and friend
Heshvan 11 (November 02, 2025) Prime Minister Yitzach Rabin, who died for peace
Heshvan 13 (November 04, 2025) Ron Ross, brother of Lynda Levy
Heshvan 15 (November 06, 2025) Reb Shlomo Carlebach
Heshvan 20 (November 11, 2025) Michael Eli Geller, father of Barry Geller
Heshvan 23 (November 14, 2025) Philip Zimmerman, father of Karen Feinberg
Heshvan 25 (November 16, 2025) Jonas Silver, uncle of Sharon Croskery
Heshvan 26 (November 17, 2025) Geraldine “Gittel” Ross, mother of Lynda Levy
Heshvan 27 (November 18, 2025) Paul Kaplan, father of Lori Landau
Heshvan 29 (November 20, 2025) Jessie Abromson Goldring, mother of Allene Prince
Heshvan 29 (November 20, 2025) Walter Porges, father of Bobbie Japka
Kislev 8 (November 28, 2025) Samuel Hurdus, grandfather of Sammi Schindler

December 2025
(December) Julia Levine, aunt of Caren and Jack Schiro
(December) Claire Simpson, great aunt of Caren and Jack Schiro
Kislev 12 (December 02, 2025) Rose Goldstein, mother of Janet Niederman
Kislev 20 (December 10, 2025) Sarah Silver, grandmother of Sharon Croskery
Kislev 22 (December 12, 2025) Audrey Allen Bachrach, wife and mother of Marc Bachrach, Laura Bachrach, Todd Allen
Kislev 25 (December 15, 2025) Nora Nettler, mother of Charlene Bralver
Tevet 7 (December 27, 2025) Abraham Goldstein, father of Janet Niederman
Tevet 7 (December 27, 2025) Sol Spezman, father of Sharon Croskery
Tevet 10 (December 30, 2025) Jozef Rosenverg Rozgonyi, step-father of Eva Nathanson
Tevet 10 (December 30, 2025) Richard Cottrell, father of Patty Marks

Simon Alban, husband of Laurie Alban
Louise Fisher Kohan, friend of Robert Sniderman
Bertie Ollun, grandmother of Benita Magit
Sam Ollun, grandfather of Benita Magit
Charles Ulrich, grandfather of Sam Magit
Louise Nemerson, good friend of Diane Gough
All those killed in the conflict of Israel and its neighbors